Aktuálne aukcie

Alphabet Italia (5)
LeasePlan (16)
Auction - MAXbid Flash - FR (8)
LeasePlan (50)
Aukcia - Dlhodobý prenájom - Vrátane DPH - FR (30)
ALD Leasing - New Arrivals (178)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (22)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (125)
CarNext.Com NL (43)
ALD Carmarket Tender auction (165)
KBC Autolease NV (145)
Nabidka Zacina 50€ Pod Minimalni Cenou – FR - Jedno Kliknuti – Cena Dosazena (52)
Tax Free Cars (246)
Leasing Special Auction (26)
Low Cost Vehicles, Less than 3.000€ (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (7)
Open Auction: Toyota Official Service. Origin: Renting and retakes. (Direct deal between buyer and seller). (2)
Classic Cars (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (26)
Trucks, cranes and heavy vehicles (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (6)
Damaged and wrecked vehicles (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (34)
Premium Cars (20)
Mercedes Service Office. Electric Cars (Direct deal between buyer and seller). (7)
Exclusive Selection (131)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (17)
Damaged cars (17)
Comercial vehicles (8)
Mixed Cars on Autorola Belux (5)
Die Autobahn - Fahrzeuge & Geräte (24)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (2)
Alphabet Italia (70)
MHC Mobility Netherlands - NL CLOSED BIDS (34)
MHC Mobility ** VAN ** (3)
Santander AT (17)
Dostawcze - VAN (5)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (62)
Exclusive car selection (12)
Alphabet Italia (15)
Autorola Mix (12)
Mazda Belgium Auction (5)
Special Hybrid & Electric (1)
ALD Leasing - New Arrivals (77)
Athlon Car Lease NL (246)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (40)
Athlon Vans / Commercial vehicle - NL closed bids (32)
Budget Cars (16)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (128)
ALD Leasing - Normal Auction (77)
Nordania Leasing (100)
Alphabet AT (32)
Dello/ Dürkop- used car exchange (97)
Damaged Cars - BUY NOW (4)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (50)
ALD Carmarket Tender auction (39)
Unregistered Vehicles in Spain (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (11)
Damaged vehicles in Madrid. (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (7)
Commercial and industrial vehicles (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (28)
Opportunities (direct dealings between buyer and seller). (13)
Open Auction: Seller Official Dealer. Vehicles in perfect condition (direct deal between buyer and seller). (50)
Buy It Now! (3)
Special Leasing selection (68)
Renting Damaged Cars (43)
RCI Banque AT (7)
Truck & Van (27)
ALD Vans - New Arrivals (68)
Van Mossel Vans / Commercial vehicle - NL closed bids (46)
Van Mossel - NL (139)
van Mossel - Belgian Cars (102)
Multi-Dealer & Fleet AT (21)
Autorola BE - Auction with BUY NOW (5)
Mercedes Benz Italia (21)
ALD Automotive Tender CZ (71)
Athlon Car Lease Italy (76)
RCI Leasing (12)
Mobility Concept - ex-leasing vehicles and trade-ins (200)
Exclusive Cars (1)
Autorola Exclusive Auction SE (21)
ALD Cars BUY NOW (204)
Autorola Mix - Meno di 150.000 km (39)
Alphabet Nederland B.V. (40)
Tax free Vans (70)
Otvorená aukcia (4)
100% Electric (1)
ALD Leasing - New Arrivals (139)
Alphabet Long Term Rental (18)
Exclusive car selection Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda and Cupra (17)
Allane - Ex-leasing vehicles (197)
Multi Dealer & Fleet (3)
Fleet Owner Selection (7)
ČSOB Leasing, a.s. - Trucks Auction (7)
Premium (1)
Multi Mix Autorola NL - The Netherlands (9)
Special Auction Ferrari (9)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (10)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (40)
Alphabet - Ex-leasing vehicles (9)
Raiffeisen IMPULS Leasing vehicles (37)

Šetrite čas aj prostriedky
- buďte konkurencieschopnejší


Poplatky pre kupujúcich

Cena od EUR 190 bez DPH*

Výhody pri používaní www.autorola.sk:
Šetrite čas aj prostriedky
Kupujte priamo bez sprostredkovateľa
Veľký výber kvalitných automobilov
Zadávanie ponúk je bezplatné
Bezplatný cenník a aukčný katalóg
Bezplatné poradenstvo týkajúce sa nákupu v aukcii
K dispozícii je doručovacia služba a oceňovanie
Minimálna cena
bez DPH
0 - 999 EUR 190
1 000 - 4 999 EUR 260
5 000 - 9 999 EUR 285
10 000 - 14 999 EUR 360
15 000 - 19 999 EUR 450
20 000 - 29 999 EUR 600
30 000 a viac EUR 750

Poplatok pre predávajúceho

Cena od EUR 200 bez DPH *

Ako schválený predajca môžete inzerovať BEZPLATNE!
Jednoduchá a rýchla registrácia
Získajte najlepšiu veľkoobchodnú cenu
Rezervované týždenné aukcie
Ak máte v aukcii viac vozidiel, kontaktujte náš predajný tím a informujte sa o našich týždenných aukciách Autorola
Automobil si vyzdvihne kupujúci
Minimálnu cenu určujete vy.

Zaregistrujte sa zdarma a získajte vyššie uvedené výhody.

* Za každú faktúru sa účtuje poplatok EUR 4 bez DPH.


Vynikajúce skúsenosti

Vďaka viac ako 70,000 schváleným predajcom dokážem vždy nájsť záujemcu, ktorý zaplatí výbornú cenu. Preto vždy pri veľkoobchodnom predaji používame www.autorola.sk.
Paul Long

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